Well not exactly.
AMC's Script to Screen blog is reporting that Christopher Nolan will be taking on a "Mentorship" role on the forthcoming Superman Reboot. Christopher Nolan is most remembered for his very successful reboot of the Batman franchise and its sequel The Dark Knight which is rank #3 on the all time Domestic boxoffice and #5 overall Worldwide. It is no wonder why DC would appoach Nolan with this offer. The only problem is, what does being a mentor on a film project really mean?
Will Christopher Nolan be on set every day? Just in the planning phase? How much say does he have? In any case, I really respect Christopher Nolan as a director and I think that having him on Superman is going to be a good thing for us fans.
Another benefit with having Nolan on Superman is the fact that we will prehaps be able to have more a connection between the two franchises. Maybe even a crossover. (Well we can hope.) In any case, I have to agree with John from AMC, this could be a way to help DC build towards a Justice league film. Kind of similar to the way that Marvel is building toward their Avengers film.
But you know, a Batman and Superman film would be pretty sweet too, if that's all that occurs. I hope to see one.
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