No surprise here.
After 14 years of development and tons of delays Duke Nukem Forever gets delayed once again. As if we couldn’t see it coming.
For years, many of use online have joked about how Duke Nukem Forever will never be released. It’s been delayed and cancelled prior to this, and now that the game has some momentum behind it and they have decided to delay it again, albeit through a funny video.
At least no one can say that Gearbox doesn’t have a sense of humour on these sorts of things. What this says about the quality of game we could be seeing, no one knows. My feelings are that it can’t necessarily be good. With all of those interruptions and delays I have to think this may not be the greatest game when it comes out, even though it should probably be after this many years of development. Truth be told, I’ll just be happy if they release it, not that I am a Duke Nukem fan.
What about you? What do you guys think of this new delay? Do you even care if Duke Nukem gets released at this point?