Thursday, November 4, 2010

New Sucker Punch Trailer

Now this looks impressive.

With each new trailer, Sucker Punch seems to be reeling me more into this film. Sucker Punch has a crazy premise of some girl who gets locked away and imagines this world as her escape from reality. Sucker Punch is fully loaded with dragons, sword fighting, robots and beautiful women. It seems like a film that every guy would want to see, but is it.

Personally, I still feel a bit of hesitation given what happened with the Watchmen. Don’t get me wrong, I actually kind of liked the Watchmen, but I realized that it wasn’t the greatest film ever. Will Sucker Punch fair better? I hope that it does. Although I have some hesitation, I’m really looking forward to seeing Sucker Punch and so I try and look past the Watchmen.

What about you? What do you think of Sucker Punch?


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